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People will often arrive at coaching with a need or a challenge that they're unable to address on their own.  Sometimes the focus is clear, often less so, and many times what starts out about one thing becomes about another.

It might be about a struggle or an aspiration in your work or life as a whole.  You might be leading a team or a business, starting or ending something, pondering a major change or seeking a greater sense of purpose or alignment in your career.  

Here are examples of where I often work with clients:

Leadership Coaching - Founders & Business Leaders

Stepping into leadership: leaders at critical points in their journey; adapting to challenges, gaining a strong sense of who you are and how to show up authentically.

Leading a business: founders who might need support in setting direction, inspiring your team, connecting with your mission or expressing it within your business.

Developing your business: a sounding board for founders who are facing challenges in areas such as strategy, product development, positioning, team performance or culture.

Career Transition Coaching

Things are shifting: the old patterns are no longer serving you, your priorities are shifting, you're sensing that you need to make changes but unsure where or how.

On the threshold of change: you're facing a significant change in your career, in how you need or want to live, wanting to get hold of something that feels just out of reach.

Meaning or alignment: your work or your life doesn't really fit with who you are or what inspires you, you need to find changes to start feeling more aligned and true.

Our coaching will offer you the time and space to get a truer sense of who you are and what you want, combined with a sharp focus to make practical, meaningful changes wherever you need it most.

We start with a 90-minute session where you can explain what you're looking for and see how we might work together.  This is free of charge with no obligation to continue.

Contact me via to get started.

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